"Do everything without grumbling and arguing, so that you may be blameless and pure, children of God who are faultless in a cooked and perverted generation, among who you shine like stars in the world."
Philippians 2:14-15
the two verses above, Paul is telling the people not to grumble or
argue about anything so that they will shine like stars in the world.
This reminds me of my strong desire, especially here recently, to be a
light in the darkness of this world. Stars are millions of miles away
from where we are here on Earth, but yet they shine so brightly that
even one star in the midst of the dark night sky will stand out clearly
for us to see. A sky full of bright stars is an even more beautiful
scene to see, and just think how beautiful it would be to God to look
down at us as Christians, if we were to not complain and argue, and see
us as a group of bright stars shining in the darkness of this world. All
for Him.
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