"Then, He said to them, 'Why are you fearful? Do you still have no faith'?" Mark 4:40
The disciples have been with Jesus and witnessed many miracles at this point. They
have seen His great power and all the things that he can do, yet when
the storm comes they wake him up and say "Don't you care that we are
going to die?" Picture that... things get rough out at sea and they
wake him up fearfully proclaiming that they are about to die! I find it
wonderful how calmly he handles the situation. He simply
rebukes the wind and there is a great calm. Then he asks them, 'Why are
you fearful? Do you still have no faith?'. I think there is a lot packed
into that little word "still". How many miracles do they have to see
before they fully trust and have faith in Jesus? One storm comes along
and they are already fearing for their lives. How great is it that even
in their doubt and fear, God chooses to step up and show himself
powerful again.
Don't we do the same thing the disciples did though? We have all of these blessings... a roof over our head, food on the table, family, a free country where we can worship without persecution, and most of all salvation through Jesus' sacrifice. Yet, when one little storm blows our way and the waters of life get rough we quickly lose sight of all that Jesus has done and we become fearful. We start proclaiming to God, "God help me here, I'm dying! Don't you see what is going on? How am I supposed to handle this? Do you see this, are you asleep?" Where is our faith?! Hasn't God provided and taken care of us every other time?
When we face life's next storm, let us remember that God has always been in control and that He has never failed us. He will be there to take care of us. Have faith.
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Pray for the people living in constant persecution in the horn of Africa. |